USA-Argentina: Shipping Motorhome & Buenos Aires
April 2022
Shipping Motorhome from Brunswick, USA to Zarate, Argentina
On March 28, 2022, we brought our Sprinter to the port as requested by the shipping company; 6 business days prior to the ship's departure.
An extremely large number of papers and certifications were required in advance.
The delivery of the vehicle was then, however, completely uncomplicated. The harbor master personally checked our vehicle, approved it for transport and drove it into to the harbor himself.
Instead of the original vehicle documents, he and the agent also accepted copies, which meant that the originals did not have to be sent to us to Argentina after the ship's departure.
Sunday April 24th: Arrival of the freighter ship with our Sprinter in Zarate, Argentina. The release of the vehicle needed good nerves and a lot of time!
In the week before the ship's arrival, we visited our agent Daniel in his office in Buenos Aires and gave him the necessary papers for the release of the vehicle in the port of Zarate.
16 years ago, on an Easter Monday, we managed without agents to get our truck Robusto through customs and out of the port in Buenos Aires in one day.
Now we had the illusion that on Monday, with an agent, we would get the vehicle out of the port in Zarate within one day on Monday with agents. Unfortunately, that was not the case.
On Monday morning early at 3a.m. we received an e-mail from Daniel that the port authorities still had to register the unloaded vehicles first, and therefore we could not meet as agreed at the customs office. The appointment was therefore postponed to Tuesday at 8 a.m. and we were the first at the counter. Everything seemed fine until the customs officer asked Daniel into his office. Reason: The bill of lading document was not issued correctly. To correct this at the freight agency and customs office cost us another 5 hours.
In the meantime it was afternoon. We still managed to pay the port fees and have the vehicle x-rayed. Since motorhomes have to be checked by a drug dog, we had bad luck. Dog and handler were not on duty any more. Therefore, we were put off until Wednesday morning after 10 o'clock.
On Wednesday, it was half past eleven when our vehicle was sniffed out by the drug dog shortly before the dogs closing time. The o.k. from the dog we got by peeing on the right rear wheel.
At 1 p.m. I drove out of the port completely relaxed. Brigitte and Daniel did the last paperwork and followed me on foot to the outer parking lot.
I almost forgot the most important thing - the vehicle is in top condition! Even tools and camping items, which we stored under the bed at the back with the risk of being stolen, arrived complete. Once again, we were lucky!
Car Rental One Way USA
We had booked our flight from Florida to Argentina for April 8th. We thought of covering the approximately 500 miles from the port of Brunswick to Miami comfortably with a rental vehicle. With our six well-filled suitcases, each weighing 32 kg for the flight to Buenos Aires, this would have required a rather larger vehicle.
After contacting three car rental companies, which hardly had any free rental vehicles, all of them refused one-way rentals. Corona is to blame! Therefor we rented a moving truck from U-Haul. This was a good solution. Enough space for our luggage, safely stored, and a well motorized tour vehicle!
Unfortunately, the experiences we had with hotels in the USA weren't that great. Daily rates were suddenly adjusted from 120 to over 400 dollars, depending on the occupancy.
USPS United States Postal Service
In the run-up to the shipment, we had to have some vehicle documents certified by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry sent the papers back to us by regular mail = USPS. This mail cannot be tracked. After a week of waiting in vain, we were informed that the papers had probably been lost.
Under extreme time pressure, we repeated the whole exercise again. However, by UPS with express service and tracking number!
Flight from Miami to Buenos Aires with AA
For the shipment we had to empty our travel vehicle from personal belongings. As a result, we had to fly with six suitcases, around 200 kg. Airline information says extra luggage can be added and paid during online check-in. However, despite several attempts, this was not possible. At the airport we were then informed that international flights could not be checked in online. For check-in requested documents had to be submitted in advance via an app - Covid vaccination, current Covid test, international health insurance, entry form Argentina. Documents were aceppted after I submitted them 3 times, Brigitte app stayed with the same information on red. The counter clerk at the airport didn't know the company's app and asked for our documents again in original.
We showed up at the airport very early so we could check in with our luggage. We knew the plane would be packed, so we feared restrictions on the number of bags we could carry. Luckily that wasn't the case. For a very high fee all of our luggage could fly with us.
Our above-mentioned, rather bad experience in advance with AA was not changed positively by the service on our flight.
2 weeks stay in Buenos Aires
For the first few days we rented a fantastic apartment in Puerto Madero with the option to extend the rental period. On our request for rent extension, we waited in vain for an answer. Also for all our other requested Airbnb apartments we didn't receive an answer. Supply and demand!
What we didn't consider was, that the accommodations were extremely fully booked before and during the Easter week. From Good Friday, hotel prices exploded. Even despite our willingness to dig deep into our pockets, we had to change hotels three times over the Easter weekend, because even highly overpriced rooms could only be found for one night. We now know the Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton and the Alvear Palace from the inside!
For the last week in Buenos Aires we have again been able to rent a great studio on the 23rd floor in a modern building. Incredible view over BA included!
In the big city, however, one thing is essential: taking a taxi. This is adventurous, the lane is not kept as in the USA on multi-lane roads, no, there is slalom driving with the horn honking, or an additional lane is quickly created. The whole fun is extremely cheap. For us with well-exchanged Swiss Francs anyway. The cab clock is basically always activated at the start with a basic fee of 60 centimes. For a ride of about 20 minutes, you pay about 5.00 Swiss Francs, tip included!
With a long-haired, over 50-year-old Bolivian taxi driver who has been driving in the city for 5 years, we had a great chat in his taxi for half an hour and laughed a lot. He was pleased that we had traveled to his home country and knew a lot about various places.
As we drove past thousands of unemployed people protesting, he said these people believed that the state is to blame for their unemployment and must of course pay for their costs. He proudly explained, that he drives his taxi for 11 hours a day and to be able to support his family himself.
We haven't been here long enough to be able to judge seriously.
Dining out in upscale price class restaurants in the revitalized port area of Puerto Madero you only pay a fraction of American or Swiss prices for a meal with a good bottle of Sauvignon Blanc or Malbec.
Extremely high inflation is a huge problem for Argentines. Likewise, the high black market exchange rate certainly does not contribute positively to the national budget. Nevertheless, the Argentines are very friendly, helpful people who are never averse to a little chat.
We are looking forward to traveling in Argentina again, and then to the rest of South America.
USA-Argentina: April 2022
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
Alligators fascinate us in Alabama.
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
2022 waypoints world trip usa
Please do not feed them the baby.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
Manatees usually only have the tip of their nose sticking out of the water.
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
Great architecture of houses in Biloxi.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
in the midst of spacious, very well-kept gardens
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meeting of the fishermen
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2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
tourist place St. Augustine
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
long sandy beaches in Florida.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
Sprinter prepared and cleared out for shipping.
2022 04 waypoints world trip usa
Brunswick-Miami with rental U-HAUL
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Our first, very comfortable apartment in Buenos Aires.
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2022 waypoints world trip argentina
with a swimming pool on the upper floor
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Puente de la Mujer
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Puerto Madero
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
La Boca: Tourist attraction with tango shows.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
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Well-deserved break for the cleaning crew.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Difficult hotel search over Easter Weekend.
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Alvear Palace - Leading Hotel of the World: Old luxury shack.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Sheraton Hotel room with a view.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Hotel Hilton, Puerto Madero
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Floralis Generica in Buenos Aires
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Recoleta Cemetery
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...with prominent deceased
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
our corner studio on the 23rd floor
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from where we enjoyed a unique view for a week.
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
cargo ship arrival
2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
Aduana Campana
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2022 04 waypoints world trip argentina
scanned motorhome
travelers.25 ursi and urs
Ursi & Urs, Switzerland -
Chile: Conaripe 2025-01 -
travellers.25 vera and stefan
Vera & Stefan, Germany
Chile: Cunco 2025-01 -
travellers.24 anja and jan
Anja & Jan, Germany -@ferneziele
Uruguay: Atlantida 2024-11 -
travellers.24 rita and robert
Rita & Robert, Switzerland
Uruguay: Atlantida 2024-11 -
travellers.24 corina and raphael
Corina & Raphael, Switzerland
Argentina: Posadas 2024-10 -
travellers.24 juergen
Jürgen, Germany - @leoncito_en_ruta
Paraguay: Hohenau 2024-09 -
travellers.24 peter and patricia
Patricia & Peter, Switzerland
Paraguay: Asuncion 2024-08 -
travellers.24 tanya and paul
Tanya & Paul, New Zealand - Polarsteps
Paraguay: Asuncion 2024-08 -
travellers.24 bernd and uschi
Uschi & Bernd, Germany - :Uschi Klimaschka-Behrends
Brazil: Foz do Iguaçu 2024-07 -
travellers.24 alex jochen paul emil
Alex & Jochen with Paul & Emil, Germany
Paraguay: Hohenau 2024-05 -
travelers.24 karin and erich.jpg
Karin & Erich, Switzerland
Argentina: Salta 2024-02 -
travelers.24 anja and enrico.jpg
Anja & Enrico, Switzerland
Argentina: Posadas 2024-03 -
traveller.23 kees and jacobine
Kees & Jacobine, Netherlands -
Argentina: Salta 2024-02 -
reisende.23 ruth and walter.jpg
Ruth & Walter, Switzerland -
Uruguay: Nueva Helvecia 2023-11 -
reisende.23 dorly and wolfgang.jpg
Dorly & Wolfgang, Switzerland - www: Maildinger's
Uruguay: Paraiso Suizo 2023-11 -
reisende.23 tina and felix.jpg
Tina & Felix with Filou, Switzerland -
Uruguay: Nueva Helvecia 2023-11 -
travellers.23 walter and andrea.jpg
Andrea & Walter, Germany
Uruguay: Jaureguiberry 2023-09 -
reisender192.23 emanuel.jpg
Emanuel, Costa Rica
Uruguay: Colonia del Sacramento 2023-09 -
travellers193.23 corinne and jean marc
Corinne & Jean-Marc, Switzerland
Argentina: Posadas 2023-08 -
rb191.24 johanna and klaus.jpg
Johanna & Klaus, Germany - Balu on world trip
Paraguay: Hohenau 2023-08 -
rb191.23 gabi frank.jpg
Gabi & Frank, Germany -
Argentina: Posadas 2023-04 -
rb190.23 marcos joseane kopie.jpg
Marcos & Joseane, Brasil - @cadaviagemumaaventura
Argentina: Puerto Iguazu 2023-04 -
rb189.23 nadja franz karl de
Nadja, Franz and Karl, Germany
Paraguay: Hohenau 2023-03 -
rb188.22 lisi martin travellers austria
Lisi and Martin -
Argentina: Malargüe 2022-11 -
rb187.22 lydia ju travellers germany
Lydia and Ju
Argentina: Malargüe 2022-11 -
rb186.22 klaus traveller germany
Klaus and Klaus-Dieter
Argentina: Malargüe 2022-11 -
rb185.22 chris angie travellers ch
Angie and Chris, Switzerland
Uruguay: Soca 2022-09 -
rb184.22 traveller frank de
Frank, Germany
Uruguay: Soca 2022-09 -
rb183.22 holger ute travellers de
Ute and Holger, Germany
Uruguay: Soca 2022-09 -
rb182.22 uwe claudia mia de
Claudi and Uwe with dog Mia, Germany -
Argentina: Posadas 2022-08 -
rb181.22 harald ulrike de
Harald and Ulrike, Germany
Argentina: Posadas 2022-08 -
rb180.22 juerg ch
Jürg, Switzerland
Argentina: Salta 2022-07 -
rb178.22 marion frank de
Marion and Frank, Germany -
Argentina: Salta 2022-06 -
rb177.22 conny geni ch
Conny and Geni, Switzerland -
Argentina: Cafayate 2022-05 -
rb179.22 piaggiandoamerica mx
Argentina: Valle de la Luna 2022-05 -
rb176.22 mathilde thomas fr
Mathilde and Thomas, France -
Argentina: Mendoza 2022-05 -
rb175.22 gabriele juergen de
Gabriele and Jürgen, Germany -
USA: Palm Desert 2022-01 -
rb174.21 regula chris caroline ch
Regula and Chris with daughter, Switzerland -
USA: Santee 2021-12 -
RB173.21 Hermann Sibylle Switzerland
Hermann and Sibylle -
Mexico: Santa Elena 2021-08 -
RB172.21 Arnold CH
Arnold, Switzerland
Mexico: Santa Elena 2021-06 -
RB171.21 Anke Wolfgang DE
Anke and Wolfgang, Germany -
Mexico: Santa Elena 2021-05 -
RB168.20 Ursula Markus CH
Ursula and Markus, Switzerland - on the road since 2017
Mexico: Calderitas 2020-12 -
RB170.21 Isabella Thomas CH
Isabella and Thomas -
Mexico: Tepotzotlan 2021-04 -
RB167.20 Robert Germany gooverland
Robert (Germany):
Guatemala: Antigua 2020-03
RB169.21 Rosy Edwin CH
Rosy and Edwin - on the way with Panamtour
Mexico-City: 2021-03 -
RB166.20 Catherine and Darryl Belgium USA
Catherine (Belgium) and Darryl (USA)
Guatemala: Antigua 2020-02 -
RB162 Hansueli and Ursula Switzerland
Hansueli and Ursula, Switzerland -
Mexico: Patzcuaro 2019-02 -
RB165.20 Angelika and Michael Germany
Angelika and Michael, Germany
Belize: Hopkins 2020-01 -
RB164 Doris and Hans Switzerland
Doris and Hans, Switzerland:
Mexico: Oaxaca 2019-11 -
RB159 Yves and Cornelia switzerland
Yves and Cornelia, Switzerland
12.2018 La Paz, Mexico -
RB163 Rosemarie and Werner Switzerland
Rosemarie and Werner, Switzerland -
Mexico: Santa Elena 2019-03 -
RB161 Oskar and Ursula Austria
Oskar and Ursula, Austria -
Mexico: San Miguel de Allende 2019-02 -
RB160 Ruth and Beat Switzerland
Ruth and Beat, Switzerland -
Santa Elena, Mexico 10.01.2019 -
RB158 Josef and Josy switzerland
Josef and Josie, Switzerland: 12.2018 Mulege, Mexico
RB157 Norman and Emilia Panama
Norman (England) and Emilia (Costa Rica) from Panama:
11.2018 Mulege, Mexico -
RB156 martin and eva switzerland
Martin and Eva, Switzerland -
RB155 cyrill marion bueffelontour switzerland
Cyrill and Marion, Switzerland -
RB154 christian anita switzerland
Christian and Anita, Switzerland
RB153 bernd heike endlich on tour germany
Bernd and Heike, Germany -
RB152 Rudolf lisabeth switzerland
Rudolf and Lisabeth, Switzerland -
RB151 marcel jolanda switzerland
Jolanda and Marcel, Switzerland
RB150 glen roberta USA
Glen and Roberta, USA
RB149 Manuela Werner germany
Manuela and Werner, DE travel the world in stages.
RB148 Christl Werner schneckerl germany
Christl and Werner, DE -
RB147 die ausreiser Manfred Karin Deutschland
Karin and Manfred, Germany - on their journey around the world since 2013 -
RB146 einmalrundum Thomas Stefan Schweiz
Thomas and Stefan, Switzerland -
RB145 Camerivan Marc Mathias Switzerland
Marc and Mathias, Switzerland
RB144 Felix Christine jhimba
Felix and Christine, Switzerland -
RB143 Fredi Vreni
Fredi and Vreni
RB142 Fritz and Monika Kopie
Monika and Fritz from Austria on their journey since 2001
RB141 die2hollys martina herman
Martina and Hermann -
RB140 uneplumeaugredesvents fabrice marie saimara serenn
Marie, Fabrice, Saimara and Serenn on their adventure tour. -
RB139 jump horizon anna maria und gerald
Anna Maria and Gerald on their one-year Panamerica Tour. -
RB1387 Freddy und Rita
Freddy und Ritia - life dream travelling the world -
RB137 Doris und Manfred
Doris and Manfred with Bremach on the road.
RB136 Joerg und Babsi
Jörg and Barbara are travelling around the world. -
RB135 Lieve und Dirk
Lieve and Dirk -
RB134 Conny und Tommy
Conny and Tommy:
RB133 Schami und Rita
Schami and Rita:
RB132 Peter und Gabi mit Globi
Peter and Gabi:
RB131 Grigu und Mirella
Mirella and Grigu (CH)
RB130 Norbert und Sonja
Sonja and Norbert (GER)
RB129.13 Neuseeland
New Zealanders
RB128.13 Neuseeland
New Zealanders
RB127.13 Neuseeland
Again New Zealanders
RB124.12Henry Ute D Namibia 08.2012
Henry and Ute (D): Namibia (NAM) 08.2012
RB122.12 Coen und Mirjam NL
Coen and Mirjam (NL): Bankrut (TH) 07.2012
RB121.12 Akilifamily F Bankrut TH 06.2012
Akili Family (F)
RB119.12 Lorenz und Gisela CH Otres Beach TH 05.2012
Lorenz and Gisela (CH): Otres Beach / Sihanoukville (KH) 05.2012
RB118.12 Frank und Kristiane D Bang Niang TH
Frank and Kristiane (GER): Khao Lak / Bang Niang (TH) 01.2012
RB117.12 Stephan Petra D Bang Niang TH 01.2012
Stephan and Petra (GER): Khao Lak / Bang Niang (TH) 01.2012
RB116.12 Florian Bianca A Bang Niang TH 01.2012
Florian and Bianca (A): Khao Lak / Bang Niang (TH) 01.2012
RB115.12 Bruno CH Bang Niang TH 01.2012
Bruno (CH): Khao Lak / Bang Niang (TH) 01.2012
RB114.12 K lbi Christa CH Bang Niang TH 01.2012
Kölbi and Christa (CH): Khao Lak / Bang Niang (TH) 01.2012
RB113.11TH Heinz CH 12.2011
Heinz (CH): Pai (TH) 12.2011
RB112.11 Hans und Nancy NL Golmud CN 10.2011
Hans and Nancy with Vausto (NL): Golmud (CN) 10.2011 -
RB111.11 David und Claudia CH Ulaanbaatar MNL 09.2011
David and Claudia (CH): Ulaanbaatar (MNL) 08.09.2011
RB110.11 Martin AU Ulaanbaatar MNL 09.2011
Martin (AU): Ulaanbaatar (MNL) 08.09.2011
RB109.11 Martin AU 09.2011 Ulaanbaatar MNL
Heiko (GER): Ulaanbaatar (MNL) 08.09.2011
RB108.11 Heiko DE Ulaanbaatar MNL 09.1011
Heiko (GER): Ulaanbaatar (MNL) 08.09.2011
RB107.11 Dieter und Bayola D Ulaanbaatar MNL 08.2011
Dieter with Bayola (GER): Ulaanbaatar (MNL) 08.2011
RB106.11 Lutz und Gianna D Mongol Els MNL 08.2011
Lutz with Gianna (GER): Mongol Els (MNL) 08.2011
RB105.11 Voyage MNL Khovd MNL 07.2011
Voyage (MNL): Khovd (MNL) 07.2011
This year riding with his bike 4400km on gravel road. -
RB104.11 Didier und Barbara CH UlanBaatar MNL 07.2011
Didier and Barbara (CH): Ulan Baatar (MNL) 07.2011 -
RB103.11 Toni und Nelly CH Baikalsee RUS 06.2011
Toni and Nelly (CH): Lake Baikal (RUS) 06.2011
RB102.11 Alex und Chris D Insel Olchon RUS 06.2011
Alex and Chris (GE): Olchon Island (RUS) 06.2011
RB101.11 Karl D Kiev UA 05.2011
Karl (G), the driver with 23 passangers from Roteltour. Kiev (UA) 05.2011
RB100.11 Heiner und Bigi CH Saalfelden A 04.2011
Heiner and Bigi with Grey Bull
Saalfelden (A) 04.2011 -
RB099.10 Steph und CH Salta AR 07.2010
Steph and Jeannine (CH): Salta (AR) 07.2010 -
RB098.10 Brian und Andrea NZ Salta AR 07.2010
Brian and Andrea (NZ): Salta (AR) 07.2010
RB097.10AR Henk und Marianne NL 06.2010 Salta
Henk and Marianne (NL): Salta (AR) 06.2010
RB096.10AR Reto und Mich le Salta 05.2010
Reto and Michéle (CH): Salta (AR) 05.2010
RB095.10AR Gerhard und Greti A Salta 05.2010
Gerhard and Greti (A): Salta (AR) 05.2010 -
RB094.10AR Mike und mary GB Salta 05.2010
Mike and Mary (GB): Salta (AR) 05.2010
RB093.10AR Andi und Sandra CH V.G.Begrano 03.04.2010
Andi and Sandra (CH): Villa Gral. Belgrano (AR) 03.04.2010
RB092.10AR Peter Petra Alessandra CH Cafayate AR 14.03.2010
Peter, Petra and Alessandra (CH): Cafayate (AR) 14.03.2010 -
RB092.10AR Alessandra CH Cafayate AR 14.10.2010
Alessandra (CH): Cafayate (AR) 14.03.2010
RB091.10AR Juan und Ana CO Cafayate AR 13.03.2010
Juan Jose and Ana Sofia (CO): Cafayate (AR) 13.03.2010 -
RB090.10AR Roland und Corinna CH Salta 06.03.2010
Roland and Corinna (CH): Salta (AR) 07.03.2010
RB089.10AR Michel und Liise CH Salta 03.03.2010
Michel and Claire-Lise (CH): Salta 03.03.2010 -
RB088.10AR Ronald und Rini NL Salta AR 14.02.2010
Ronald and Rini (NL): Salta (AR) 14.02.2010
RB087.10CL Hiaso JP San Pedro CL 10.02.2010
Hiaso (JP): San Pedro de Atacama (CL) 10.02.2010
Travelling for 6 month in South America. -
RB086.10CL Pierre in Ineke CH San Pedro CL 09.02.2010
Pierre and Ineke (CH): San Pedro de Atacama (CL) 09.02.2010
After 6 years of travelling now they are going home. -
RB085.10CL Walter CH Iquique CL 24.01.2010
RB084.10CL Peter und Eva DE Putre CL 22.01.2010
Peter and Eva (DE): Putre (CL) 22.01.2010
RB083.09EC Dieter und Dagmar DE Cuenca EC 01.11.2009
Dieter and Dagmar (GE): Cuenca (EC) 04.11.2009
Are travelling since 2001. -
Rb082.09EC John und Sharon USA Ingapirca EC 30.10.2009
John and Sharon (USA): Ingapirca (EC) 01.11.2009
RB081.09EC Gary und Karla USA Ingapirca EC 30.10.2009
Gary and Karla (USA): Ingapirca (EC) 01.11.2009
RB080.09CO Rolf und Bettina D Armenia CO 23.09.2009
Rolf and Bettina (DE): Armenia (CO) 23.09.2009 -
RB079.09VE Volkmar und Gudrun DE Ciudad Bolivar VE 24.07.2009
Volkmar and Gudrun (DE): Ciudad Bolivar (VE) 24.07.2009
RB078.09VE Uwe und Marita DE Ciudad Bolivar VE 24.07.2009
Uwe and Marita (DE): Ciudad Bolivar (VE) 24.07.2009
RB077.09BO Hans und Bente DE Samaipata 23.05.2009
Hans and Bente (DE): Samaipata (BO) 23.05.2009 -
RB076.09AR Gerhard Siegrid AT Salta 10.05.2009
Gerhard and Siegrid (AT): Salta 11.05.2009
RB075.09AR Alexander Elke Matteo Norea A Salta 10.05.2009
Alexander, Elke, Norea and Matteo (AT): Salta (AR) 10.05.2009
RB074.09AR Resu und Katja CH Salta 23.04.2009
Resu and Katja (CH): Salta (AR) 24.04.2009 -
RB073.09AR Jos und Elly BE Salta 17.04.2009
Jos and Elly (BE): Salta (AR) 18.04.2009 -
RB072.09 Peter und Esther CH Villa Belgrano AR 26.03.2009
Peter and Esther (CH): Villa General Belgrano (AR) 26.03.2009
RB071.09AR Ulli und Barbara D Villa Belgrano 23.02.2009
Ulli and Barbara (DE): Villa General Belgrano (AR) 23.02.2009
RB070.09AR Volker und Margot D Villa Belgrano 24.01.2009
Volker and Margot (DE): Villa General Belgrano (AR) 24.01.2009
RB069.09AR Olivier B Villa Belgrano 24.01.2009
Olivier (BE): Villa General Belgrano (AR) 24.01.2009 -
RB068.08AR Jos und Claude F Cafayate 23.12.2008
José and Claude (FR): Cafayate (AR) 23.12.2008
RB067.08 Armin und Marisol CH Cachi 17.12.2008
Armin and Marisol (CH): Cachi 17.12.2008
RB066.08 Edwin und Helga D Cachi 16.12.2008
Edwin and Helga (DE): Cachi (AR) 16.12.2008
RB065.08 Steven und Terri USA Salta 12.12.2008
Steven and Terri (USA): Cachi (AR) 12.12.2008
RB064.08 Renato und Nicol CH Salta 02.12.2008
Renato and Nicol (CH): Salta (AR) 03.12.2008 -
RB063.08 Joop und Toto D Salta 03.12.2008
Jupp and Doro (DE): Salta (AR) 03.12.2008 -
RB062.08 Wolfgang und Mona A Salta AR 24.11.2008
Wolfgang and Mona (AT): Foz do Iguaçu (BR) 23.11.2008
RB061.08 Tierry CH 20.11.2008 Foz do Igua u BR
Thierry (CH): Foz do Iguaçu (BR) 20.11.2008
RB060.08 Franz und Vreni CH Olivenca BR 25.09.2008
Franz and Vreni (CH): Olivença (BR) 25.09.2008
RB059.08 Bianchi und Hilda BR Natal BR 16.09.2008
Bianchi und Hilda (BR): Natal (BR) 16.09.2008
RB058.08 Stephan und Daniela A Saalfelden A 02.05.2008
Stephan and Daniela (AT): Saalfelden (AT) 02.05.2008 -
RB057.08 Walter und Bettina BsAs 30.03.2008
Walter and Bettina (DE): Laguna Los Lobos (AR) 28.03.2008
RB056.08 Heiko und Karla Laguna Los Lobos 26.03.2008
Heiko and Karla (USA/DE): Laguna Los Lobos (AR) 28.03.2008
RB055.08 Peter und Isabella BsAs 18.03.2008
Peter and Isabella (DE): Buenos Aires (AR) 18.03.2008 -
RB054.08 Klaus und Rosi D Villa Gral Belgrano 31.01.2008
Klaus and Rosi (DE): Villa Belgrano 31.01.2008
RB053.08 Karl und Marianna CH Villa Gral Belgrano 31.08.2008
Karl (AT) and Marianne (CH): Villa Belgrano (AR) 31.01.2008
RB052.08 Jochen und Walli D Monevideo UY 09.01.2008
Jochen und Walli (GE) are travelling since 1999: Montevideo (UY) 09.01.2008
RB051.07 Hendrik und Annemie B Salta 10.11.2007
Hendrik and Annemie (BE): Salta (AR) 10.11.2007 -
RB050.07 Ady CH 10.11.2007
Ady (CH): Salta (AR) 10.11.2007
RB049.07 Ivo Irene Nika CH Salta AR 17.10.2007
Ivo, Irene and Nika (CH) are travelling USA, Canada, Argentina and Australia: Salta (AR) 17.10.2007
RB048.07 Bernhard und Audrey BE Cusco Peru 14.08.2007
Damien, Sophie, Yann, Pauline (BE): Cusco (PE) 14.08.2007
RB047.07 Damien Sophie Yann Pauline BE Cusco Peru 14.08.2007
Bernhard and Audrey (BE): Cusco (PE) 14.08.2007
RB046.07 Frank und Andrea D Cusco Peru 04.08.207
Frank and Andrea (DE): Cusco (PE) 04.08.2007
RB045.07 Walter und Christa D Ruinas Raychi 03.08.2007
Walter and Christa (GE): Ruinas de Raqchi (PE) 03.08.2007
RB044.07 Sophie Panja und Greig NZ 22.07.2007
Sophie, Panja and Greig (NZ): La Paz (BO) 22.07.2007
RB043.07 Peter und Ruth CH La Paz 18.07.2007
Peter and Ruth (CH): La Paz (BO) 18.07.2007 -
RB042.07 Marcel und Marie CH La Paz 18.07.2007
Marcel and Marie (CH): La Paz (BO) 18.07.2007
RB041.07 J rgen und Yve La Paz 09.07.07
Jürgen and Yves (DE): La Paz (BO) 09.07.2007 -
RB040.07 Stefan und Anita Salta 18.06.07
Stefan and Anita (AT): Salta (AR) 18.06.2007
RB039.07 Ollo und Pamela CH Salta 10.06.07
Oli and Pamela (CH): Salta (AR) 10.06.2007
RB038.07 Fabrice Valerie Florence Vincent F Salta 05.06.07
Fabrice, Valerie, Florence and Vincent (FR): Salta (AR) 17.06.2007
RB037.07 Claude und Erika CH Salta 02.06.07
Claude und Erika (CH) travelling since 7 years: Salta (AR) 02.06.2007
RB036.07 Helmut und Rosemarie D 21.05.2007 Salta
Helmut and Rosemarie (DE): Salta (AR) 21.05.2007
RB035.07 J rgen und Kerstin D 30.03.2007 Termas Geometricas CL
Jürgen and Kerstin (GE): Termas Geometricas (CL) 30.03.2007
RB034.07 Klaus und Ursula D 06.03.2007 El Bolson
Klaus and Ursula (GE) are travelling since 2004: El Bolson (AR) 06.03.2007
RB033.07 Karl und Kora D 15.02.2007 Sector Ventisquero
Karl and Kora (GE) are travelling since 5 years in South America: Ventisquero Colgante (CL) 15.02.2007
RB032.07 Bruno und Renate CH 02.02.2007 Puente Lago Gral Carrera
Bruno and Renate (CH): Puente Lago Gral Carrera (CL) 02.02.2007
RB031.07 Roli A Piste nach Chile Chico 02.02.2007
Roli from Vienna (AT): Chile Chico (CL) 02.02.2007
RB030.07 Hans Doris und Marcelo Piste nach Chile Chico 02.02.2007
Hans, Doris and Marcelo (AT): Chile Chico (CL) 02.02.2007
RB029.07 Hartmut und Tessie D Los Antiguos 31.01.2007
Hartmut and Tessie (GE): Los Antiguos (AR) 31.01.2007
RB028.07 Tiziano und Silvana I Los Antiguos 31.01.2007
Tiziano and Silvana (IT): Los Antiguos (AR) 31.01.2007
RB027.07 Michael und Sabine D El Chalten 20.01.2007
Michael and Sabine (GER): El Chalten (AR) 20.01.2007 -
RB026.07 Albert und Evelyne NL El Chalten 20.01.2007
Albert and Evelyne (NL): El Chálten (AR) 27.01.2007
are travelling since more than 10 years... -
RB025.06 Martin und Cathy 29.12.06 Ushuaia
Martin and Katja (CH): Ushuaia (AR) 03.01.2007
RB024.06 Paul Gil und Eliott GB 02.01.07
Paul, Gill with Eliot (GB) are travelling since 12 years: Ushuaia (AR) 02.01.2007
RB023.06 Mike und Rene USA 28.12.06
Mike and René (USA): San Sebastian (AR) 28.12.2006 -
RB022.06 Eric und Martina GB Laguna Armarga 16.12.06
Erik and Martina (GB): Laguna Armaga (CL) 16.12.2006
RB021.06 Rainer und Geisela D El Calafate 10.12.06
Rainer and Gisela (GER): El Calafate (AR) 10.12.2006
RB020.06 Rudi und Maria A 25.11.06
Rudi and Maria (AT): Península Valdés (AR) 25.11.2006
RB019.06 Constantin und Brigit CH 24.11.06
Konstantin and Brigit (CH): Península Valdés (AR) 24.11.2006
RB018.06 Marcel und Ruth CH 23.11.06
Marcel and Ruth (CH): Península Valdés (AR) 23.11.2006
RB017.06 Sigi und Sissi D 20.11.06
Sigi and Sissi (DE): Península Valdés (AR) 20.11.2006
RB016.06 Peter und Romy CH 15.11.06
Peter and Romy (CH): S.C. Bariloche (AR) 15.11.2006
RB015.06 Ricardo 18.10.06
RB014.06 Peter und Susanne 07.08.06
Peter and Susanna (CH): San Pedro de Atacama (CL) 07.08.2006
RB013.06 Freddy und Rita 05.07.07
Freddy and Rita (GE) since 2004 on world tour: Salta (AR) 05.07.2006 -
RB012.06 Wolf und Ilona 06.06.06
Wolfgang and Ilona (GE) since 11 years on world tour: Salta (AR) 06.06.2006
RB011.06 Uwe und Giggi 06.06.06
Uwe and Giggi (DE): Salta (AR) 06.06.2006
RB010.06 Richard und Catherine Salta 20.06.06
Richard and Catherine (BE) since 1993 on world tour: Salta (AR) 19.06.2006 (Foto from Marocco 1993)
RB009.06 Walter und Marion 05.06.06
Walter and Marion (GE) since August 2004 on worldtour: Salta (AR) 05.06.2006
RB008.06 Johan und Diane NL 30.05.06
Johan and Diane (NL) since January 06 in South America: Cafayate (AR) 30.05.2006
RB007.06 Ute Armin D 28.05.06
Ute (GE) is renting Unimogs and guiding journeys in South America: Cafayate (AR) 29.05.2006 -
RB006.06 Hanspeter und Esther CH 23.05.06
Hanspeter and Esther (CH) on their trip with Yussuf: Termas Fiambala (AR) 24.05.2006
RB005.06 Kurt und Darina CH 14.05.06
Kurt and Dania (CH/IE) travvelling with bikes: NP Talampaya (AR) 14.05.2006 -
RB004.06 Joachim und Uta D 15.05.06
Joachim and Uta (GE) from Feuerland to Alaska in 9 month: NP Talampaya (AR) 15.05.2006
RB003.06 Betina und Christian D 05.05.2006
Christian and Betina (GE/AR) since 02/2005 on tour with their project: Mendoza (AR) 06.05.2006
RB002.06 Thomas und Claudia mit Kindern D 07.05.06
Thomas and Claudia and her 3 kids, travelled 2 years in South America (AT): Mendoza (AR) 08.05.2006 -
RB001.06 J rgen und Isa D BA 19.04.06
Juergen and Isa (GE): Buenos Aires (AR) 19.04.2006