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2024 - South America

Argentina - Paraguay - Brazil - Paraguay - Argentina - Uruguay - Argentina - Chile

Argentina: Zonda Almacen & Uco Valley

December 2024

Gaucho clothing

See and be seen

In Gualeguaychú, we re-entered Argentina from Uruguay.
We noticed that, especially in the late afternoon and late into the evening, local families spend hours driving around the Rambla (promenade) in their often old or very old cars.

Uruguay: Montevideo, MACA and Mini Starlink

November 2024 

waypoints in Uruguay

On the road in Uruguay

Long, straight highways through huge fruit fields, lots of oncoming trucks. We found it especially when the navigation system indicated the next intersection in 100 kilometers.
Uruguay is known for political and economic stability. In addition to agriculture, the country focuses on IT- and Software- services.

Argentina: Capybaras, Ostrich & Fun

October 2024



are friendly and relaxed giant guinea pigs. They can weigh up to 50 kg and have a body length of approx. 1.4 meters. One of the remarkable things about Capybaras is their social behavior. They live in large groups of up to 20 individuals with a dominant male and several females and their pups.
The capybaras are excellently adapted to the wet element:

Brazil: same same but different, gas alarm, police contact

September 2024

Goiás Velho

Goiás Velho and Pirenópolis, BR

A journey into the past. These small towns with cobblestone streets are well preserved and keep the atmosphere of the 19th century with their colonial houses.
A peaceful atmosphere prevails in Goiás Velho. Which is more than can be said for Pirenopolis. As the most important recreational area in the city of Brasilia, there is a real hustle and bustle with its many restaurants and bars. Tables are set out on the Rua do Lazer (the street of leisure) and the very active nightlife is visited by many people.

Brazil: Marshland Pantanal

July 2024


Pantanal, magnificent marshland landscape

The Pantanal is the largest inland wetland in the world. The marshland is almost half the size of Germany and is mainly located in Brazil, while around a third belongs to Bolivia and Paraguay. The area is completely under water for up to six months of the year and serves as an important refuge for numerous animals. The entire area covers around 200,000 square kilometers. In 2000, the species-rich wetland biotope was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Brazil: purpose built town Brasilia

August 2024

army headquarter

Brasilia - a positive experience

The purpose-built city of Brasilia offers many sights with amazing space and light effects - definitely worth a visit!
The speed limit in Brasilia is 60 km/h, which is enforced by many speed cameras and speed bumps. This enormously calms Brazil's otherwise hectic traffic. It is impossible to explore this city on foot, as it was built on the condition that everyone owns a car. Many streets have no crosswalks and no pedestrian crosswalks. We were parked with around 20 other motorhomes for over 2 weeks at Lake Paranoa in a public square in Brasilia. From there, we visited the sights of Brasilia by Uber.

Brazil: Salto del Guaira, Refúgio Canaã & trucks

June 2024


Border crossing Salto del Guaira, Paraquay to Brazil

Due to the return traffic on a public holiday, there was total chaos at the border. The vehicles were no longer separated or checked, but simply waved through. Nevertheless, there were still kilometers of traffic jam in front of the customs office. As we still had some wine with us, this situation didn't make us unhappy.
We were supposed to clear migration

Paraguay: Churches, Museums, Mattress & Gas Adapter

May 2024

Iglesia Madre del Buen Consejo

Madre Del Buen Consejo

Near Caacupé, a church has been under construction for 10 years by around 40 monks.
The interior with its leaded Gothic windows, magnificent marble floors and special color scheme is finished. There is still scaffolding outside, and work is still being done on the towers.

Paraguay: Vacation on 12m2 living space and rain

April 2024

waypoints happiness

Vacations from traveling

As a change from our vacation here in Park Manantial, we drove the 40 km to Encarnacion for a day of shopping. There we enjoyed a fine sushi and a very good Thai dish for lunch.
The excellent Dolcissimo ice cream store is in the same building. I can never go past it. Brigitte is a little less keen on sweets.

Argentina: Indigenous Cuisine & dogdays

March 2024

Restaurant El Baqueano Salta

El Baqueano - Cocina Autóctona Contemporanea

A renowned restaurant at the top of the San Bernardo hill, which is part of a mountain range covered in jungle vegetation. The view of the entire city of Salta couldn't be better.
A year ago,

Argentina: Millionaire, El Camino de La Cornisa & Auto Camper

February 2024

Pesos Millionaire

Pesos Millionaire

On February 10, 2024, Western Union paid one million pesos for SFR. 706.00 at the Blue Dollar exchange rate. Around two years ago, one Swiss franc was worth around 200 pesos. Now it is 1,416 pesos.
What is ideal for tourists with hard foreign currency is a huge disaster for Argentina and its people.

Argentina: Bodegas, Zonda Wind & men's trip

January 2024

Bodegas Mendoza2

Bodegas in the Mendoza region of Argentina

For 2 weeks we visited more than a dozen bodegas in the Mendoza region.
See also photo gallery Bodegas part 1 and Bodegas part 2 for some descriptions:

Bodega Zuccardi
In 1963, engineer Alberto Zuccardi planted the first hectares of vines in Maipu. In 2019, 2020 and 2021, the winery was voted the best in the world. The building, constructed from materials such as iron, sand and stone, with a metal dome, is an architectural jewel built by Fernando Raganato. Zuccardi is considered a benchmark in Argentinian viticulture.