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Brazil: same same but different, gas alarm, police contact

September 2024

Goiás Velho

Goiás Velho and Pirenópolis, BR

A journey into the past. These small towns with cobblestone streets are well preserved and keep the atmosphere of the 19th century with their colonial houses.
A peaceful atmosphere prevails in Goiás Velho. Which is more than can be said for Pirenopolis. As the most important recreational area in the city of Brasilia, there is a real hustle and bustle with its many restaurants and bars. Tables are set out on the Rua do Lazer (the street of leisure) and the very active nightlife is visited by many people.

However, we were there during the week and the taste of the weekend was enough for us.
Where are you when you're surrounded by music and noise until dawn?
You certainly can't go wrong with Brazil!


Edy eats fish menu

Same Same But Different, BR

An innovative Asian restaurant in Brasilia. Reviews range from terrible to super good. So let's go and rate it ourselves. For us, the Asian flavors were delicious. The service was also ok. What was special, however, was that two completely independent restaurant operators spoiled their guests in one large location! Separate kitchens and cash registers, as well as separate staff. Somehow unusual.


Balnearios along the Rio Grande and Parana rivers, BR

A balneario is a recreation area or a place by the sea, river, lake or a lagoon for leisure activities on land and water. Often with camping facilities. As we were traveling in the mid-season in this area, the balnearios were officially closed, but the entrances were open, so we were usually even allowed to stand alone in beautiful places. It was also amazing that the entire infrastructure, electricity, water, toilets and showers were free out of season.

sugar cane factory

Gas alarm our motorhome, BR

At lunchtime, during a short break at a rest area, an old rust bucket parked next to us. When the driver got back in after a quarter of an hour and started the engine, we were standing in a black cloud of exhaust fumes and the gas sensor in our Sprinter triggered an alarm.
What we unfortunately see every day here in South America, old vehicles, especially heavily loaded trucks, trailing a black plume of exhaust fumes, is very tragic.
The strict emissions standards in Europe are of little use in comparison worldwide.

electricity connection campsite

Securitas in Posadas, ARG

We camped on a mini peninsula on the Costanera Sur for several days. We had never seen the policemen on duty from the beach post 400 meters away nor had they ever done a patrol. So we were astonished when two policemen knocked on our door one morning.
Had we done something wrong? No, not at all, as they only asked for hot water for their mate tea!

restaurant Fabric Sushi

Fabric Sushi, Asunción, PY

We were looking for the recently opened Fabric Sushi near the Shopping delSol area. When we asked a gentleman about this place, he said we were standing in front of it. We hadn't realized that the restaurant was located on the 1st and 2nd floor, above the Mercedes-Benz salesroom.
The restaurant, which had only been open for 3 weeks, was a fantastic hit. Great atmosphere, delicious food and the meals served by a motivated crew were first class.


Police interaction

In contrast to our previous trip to South America, we have been treated kindly and courteously by the police and military over the last two years.
Recently, unfortunately, we ran into two money-grabbing smart alecks of police officers.
We were picked out and stopped on a three-lane stretch of road with a speed limit of 50. Both policemen greeted me by shaking hands. Which was a complete novelty.
They had a camera mounted on the back of their pickup. Once they had my driver's license, they explained that I had been driving far too fast (more than 30 km/h) and demanded 1,200,000 guarani (150 US dollars). For information, Paraguay's average monthly income in 2024-06 was 3,000,000 guarani (330 US dollars).
We disputed their statement and demanded to see the radar photo. But they probably didn't have it. They said they would only give us the photo when we paid for the ticket.
When they made us the offer that we would only have to pay half the price if we paid in cash, we told them not to do it with us.
Brigitte wanted to take a photo of the two of them and we warned them to speak to their boss at the nearby police station.
The two of them looked at each other and they both agreed. In a flash, one of them handed me my driver's license back and wished us a safe journey.

Parque Ito

Parque Ito Ecoturismo

Spectacular place with lots of peace and silence in nature. A perfect place to relax.
Access and exit on the 10 km long dirt road is prohibited when it rains, otherwise the track will be damaged by deep ruts.

“Some live so carefully that they die like brand new.” (Dr. M. Richter)

