Restaurant Nacionsushi in Asuncion
Restaurant with a cool design.
Edy studies the detailed menu.
Salmon and tuna
Catedral de Nuestra Senora de la Asuncion
Driving in Paraguay can be quite a challenge for tourists.
Unfortunately, there was no ice cream on May 1st.
Camping in the city of Asuncion.
In this restaurant, you call the waiter by pressing a button on the serving device.
On the hunt for a new mattress.
Delivered made to measure.
Museo del Barro
Three different sections: a pottery museum, an indigenous art museum and a contemporary art collection.
Piano with half tones.
Around 40 monks live in this monastery.
Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo
A building that is still not finished after 10 years, but masses are already being held.
A fascinating place. A mixture of Gothic and Baroque that you rarely see.
The monk explains details of the church to Brigitte.
Brigitte and a Colombian monk who showed us around the church.
Basílica de la Virgen de los Milagros in Caacupé.
Samu'u - bottle tree
Pequena Baviera campground
Bottle tree has soft and water-soaked wood.
Temple de San Burnaventura - Yaguaron
Altars, pillars, ceilings and sculptures are made of carved Lapacho wood.
Impressive and shimmering altar
Church attendant...
Lucky even with the damage.
Murales de Yaguarón
Former settlement of technicians for railroad repair.
Railroad museum.
Echauri Castle
Campsite near Melgarejo
Community workers overwhelmed.
Gas tank filling directly from the truck transporter.
Filling the gas tank with a newly made adapter at the gas stations in Paraguay.
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